Insolvency & Banking

Matry Meiri Wacht & Co. has for many years been ranked at the top in the insolvency field by professional rating guides. Adv. Ronen Matry, who heads the Department, is considered one of Israel's most appreciated attorneys in the field of insolvency and banking, and the firm’s Litigation Department has been involved in the most significant insolvency proceedings conducted in Israel over the past few years.
The Department’s professional, skilled and experienced team of attorneys represents corporate clients in insolvency proceedings from the finance, real estate, construction, infrastructure, communication, retail, industrial and high-tech industries in a large scale of high-profile insolvency cases. MMW has a unique expertise in advising and assisting companies and boards of directors in an insolvent environment, and handling complex creditor settlements, stays-of-proceedings and substantial insolvency proceedings with international aspects. MMW also represents banks in debt restructuring and advises them on complex credit facilities.